Sunday, March 26, 2006

Exhausting friends

So I have two friends from college who realized that they have been madly in love with one another forever. They made this realization while attending my wedding less than six months ago. So guyfriend lives in my new hometown and girlfriend lived 3 states away until 2 months ago. She kicked her live in boyfriend out and broke her lease to move here two months ago. Now guyfriend and girlfriend are now sharing a 600 square foot apartment with several various and sundry animals.

I made the realization friday night over thai food that this pair together totally exhaust me. Love them, but holy crap! I can't keep up my end of the conversation and it just doesn't matter. I'm working on plowing over my whole drama cultivation stage, but they seem to be dedicated to sustained, 4 season cultivation of drama.

Maybe that's part of the reason I've been moody this weekend (see below.) It's tough realizing that it's going to be a lot of work finding a similar social network to what I had in my old home town. And its tough figuring out where old friends fit in.

Looking at the big picture, it would seem that I'm having a hard time figuring out where I fit in. All these new roles: wife, big-girl-job-holder, well liked by many yet friend to few in a new town.

I'm right back to my Junior year in high school, scanning the cafeteria at my new school for a friendly face. Another story for another time.


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